Friday, February 10, 2012

Raffia dances

Grasses ruffled
in a world where birdsong outplays
the sounds of cars - paled by distance.
The cypress trees’ reflections,
weaving across the water,
will cling as I return as the prodigal
and leave as another -
irrevocably altered by these experiences.

The liberation of my spirit
and the aching in these bones,
parallel the aching heart
sobbing beneath my breast.
As gnats besiege me,
I am reminded
that wherever I go
small irritations will surround;
a culmination of trees,
progeny cleaving tirelessly until
they drop off one by one.

Whatever became of the hope
filtered by caution -
a heart reaching for something
it had almost forgotten?

God in the trees,
in the waters’ small motions;
holy rolling
in a bird’s soliloquy;
the emanating symphony of devotion.
I hear seconds pounding

as thoughts in doleful throes
diffuse concentrically in
mimicry of the grassy ocean.
I am a chameleon dancing
from limb to limb -
and yes,
the sky is full
of azure dreams

© 2000 Melissa Songer


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