Saturday, June 22, 2002

Psychic Surgery

Past caring how others judge me
I have lately arrived at a place where
scalpel must trace the delicate line
through this onerous will and slash away
that which is excessive and indistinct.
It is not impeccable beauty being sought
but quintessence of image placed before
the consummate goal of desire and rage.

Cosmetic surgery of the soul?
An absence of, a nip and tuck, brain-liposuction;
an elegant repose balanced in the eye of the beholder?
No. That’s not it at all. There is a place this must go.
A world without scars, before trust became
a skittish animal hidden in the shrubbery
waiting for absolute stillness before it emerges.

Along the gravel roads I pass there are places
where no one saw what I saw
heard what I heard, felt what I felt, know....
So how am I different from any other soul on the planet?
Who said my life was a template for solitude?
Yes, we are separated, alienated from the other;
so much so that merging seems to be the sole comfort,
respite from the mystical longing.

In this pine-needled world
tanager, blackbird, and jay scamper
limb to limb, glide tree to tree, their
song an amalgam of the raucous and refined.
Arid winds stream hot and breathless
upon my face, but I cannot turn away.
Something about this suspenseful time
rivets me to this stance - so I suffer it.

To find the source of hope and pass it along,
is that too much to ask? To reach within
and seize more than cerebral lint trapped
in the tortuous windings of my thought.
To drive the magus from his cave and set
the bastard free. The priestess lingers.
The surgeon’s eye steadies, no quavering now.
It is time.

© 2000 Melissa Songer

What the Shaman Said

The shaman told me my house was in order
and had a good feel. There were many windows
but the curtains were closed and the mirrors were small
and there were places where no one was allowed;
not even myself. In the north there is a demon chained,
so long ago, I had almost forgotten he was there.

In the parlor dwells the puritan, a revenant with
altruist leanings - in service to humanity. Serious and sober,
anxious about eternity, serving up her sanctity on a
holy roller’s smorgasbord. In the backyard, nakedly slobbering,
neglected and chained, is the demon; leering and dirty-faced
like some idiot offspring kept inside a chain link kennel.
Bound in an intangible snare, she reined him in by will alone.

Her eyes blared like trumpets calling forth the archangels
when she realized what she had to do - to tread through
the valleys and stumble through the mine fields just
to let that demon go. Steeling against the surety of onslaught
against her probity, she knew that perfection was for saints
and she would never be so blessed; at least not as long
as this incubus held court on the lawn.

Her tentative approach set him to laughing, “whatsa matter -
you afeared?” he gurgled as she circled round the barricade
reckoning how to and whether she could. “oh, I ain’t gonna
hurt ya missy,” he cooed, “ya got no concern - ya see I been
beat down so long my legs are dried up and puny. Ya been off
having your way with life and I been tethered here.
So why hol’ me any longer if’n ya ain’t gonna use me?”

Many times had they played this game of taunts and jeers and feints -
many times had she abandoned him; his shrieks thundering as she fled
to her nice warm house, leaving him to shiver in the bitter night.
She looked at his matted hair, his crusted face and hands -
surrounded by the scraps she’d tossed out, hardly keeping him alive.
She couldn’t bear to put him down or hold him any longer.
He had to go - to be set free; it was now or never.

But she was determined to put this thing to rest - to watch
him scamper into the woods and never have to see him again.
She wanted to be free herself and knew he was the chain
that held her fast. She stood outside the gate lost in some dark
and fearful vision, until the demon rumbled and she commenced
to singing. He struggled to his feet and began to sway and when
the song was finished he smiled and unhooked the leash.

“Ya see? That’s all it took! But before I go I wants to beg a favor.
A bath and a decent meal and one night in a nice warm bed is all I asks
after spending eternity locked up here.” A silent nod was her assent
and she turned toward the house. The demon yelped, pushed her aside -
chortling and capering furiously. Smiling wanly, she followed him inside.
His joy shook the walls, mirrors splintered into glittering shards, lights burst,
and windows shattered - the very foundation seemed to crumble.

She quavered in the midst of this power and remembered
why she’d held him for so long. Now he was inside and
the walls were melting. He turned around, smiled and
nodded back - “OK missy, time for you to keep your word.
While I scrape off these years of neglect, you fix my dinner
and make my bed!” and he disappeared into the bath. Soon she
heard him singing, and silently, she set about her tasks.

Somehow, she didn’t begrudge the wraith, after all, she’d kept
him there for ages and he deserved some reparation for his misery.
And so, she surrendered the delicacies to conclude his fast and
cast a feather bed into the brightest suite. When the demon emerged
exuberant and sparkling like diamonds in the sun, she guided him
down a narrow hall and pointed toward the room that she had
furnished. Laid upon a table was the finest of repasts.

He looked at the sumptuous meal; the fluffy bed appointed with
clean white sheets and cashmere throws, and smiled. “Now missy,
this’ll go a long ways to heal the pain - now then...” he chuckled softly,
and regarded her slyly, “Seems you got a bad conscience, or else why
would you treat me so nicely, the one you ignored for years on end?
Why don’t you speak? Cat got your tongue?” She gazed upon his face.
Now that he was washed he looked quite decent, even through his scorn.

So she spoke her truth quietly - “Out beyond the fence is a lonely
garden shed - dilapidated and decomposing; it’s my old playhouse
and a little girl still bides there puttering with her toys. She’s been
there at least as long as you were held. Her favorite doll is sick,
full of holes and bursting with pain. I can’t heal her. No one can.
But I haven’t been there in many years - I’ve forgotten the way;
and she needs to come in now.”

The specter remembered the child, how he once had held her tight.
He recalled how she’d been dragged from him and banished
to that raggedy shack, while he had been left to rot in his fetters.
He looked at missy and hissed at her. “You’re the cause of this affliction
with all your fancy ways! What makes you think I’d help you, anyhow?”
She regarded him fleetingly and merely said, “It’s as much for you
as is for me. She needs to come home and we three need to be one.”

At that the demon growled low and burst out laughing again!
“Yes yes - it’s true enough, and I supposes I’m the one to
make it happen!” He danced around the room - his body gleaming,
his beauty expanding. She marveled at the transmutation as
he grew stronger and more magnetic. He had retained his power and
it was waxing by the second. He swept her up and the next thing
she knew they were standing outside the shed.

It was in a deplorable state, the door had long been missing
and toys were scattered on the threshold. Inside it looked as if
a twister had rolled through - tossing all awry. But now it was quiet,
save for the faint sound of a young girl sobbing. In the farthest corner,
huddled toward the wall - she crouched over a a dingy scrap of
mottled cloth; remnants of fabric and stuffing strewn around her.
“Whatsa matter, little girl?” asked the wraith.

She stopped crying, and without looking up, replied sadly,
“My dolly died today - she split apart from all the pain I stuffed inside
of her and now it’s everywhere.” He looked at the solemn woman
standing in silence beside him; then he spoke, “That was your pain
you passed on - it wasn’t as if she didn’t have sorrows enough of her own,
but she had to carry yours as well. Now the doll is beyond repair.”
The woman seemed to be entranced by the dream.

Luminous crystals tumbled from missy’s eyes as she gazed upon
the child - each that fell left a rainbow trace ere it splattered
onto the floor. Wherever they spilled, a fragment of the pain was
dispersed till the girl stopped weeping and began to brighten.
As more gems dropped, they puddled and floated the saturated
clumps of disappointment and anguish out the door. The floors
were cleansed and the child suddenly laughed aloud.

Then the sun rose in the east and the woman moved
into the west and the daemon took his place in the center.
The three became one - the wonder, the caring, and the laughter.
They moved inside my house my heart - threw down the walls
and built a home of joyful reflection and devotion
and walked in all worlds at once. That’s when
I understood what the Shaman said.

© 2001 Melissa Songer

Monday, June 17, 2002

Yard Sale

Packing up and shipping out
when a shopper’s gust
browses through - riffling
papers and seeking small bargains.

“Well, look at this, do you believe it!”
You can have this obsession
for pennies on the dollar -
it’s a giveaway,
even though it’s a bit threadbare.
Oh, it’s still got some mileage yet,
but I’m finished with it now.

A collection of pretty paper fans,
spread out fictions of self-deception;
now transparent and crumbling -
full of ghosts fleeing. Scuttling
like Madagascar roaches.

Here’s some old attitudes -
arrogance and spite,
cold suit of armor built of pride;
self-effacement and shame -
been gathering dust in the corner;
take them - Hey! I’ll pay you.

I’m slashing prices and
paring down the spirit,
raking through
the daily departures.
Don’t need a suitcase
or a steamer trunk;
what’s of value
I carry in my heart.

© 2000 Melissa Songer

Sunday, June 16, 2002

Scrabbling through the debris

to the actual
has all this come from
the center of me
clasping in my hand
a discerning wand

burrowing in the kernel
of you and you and you
and no one believes it
they think they know my mind
but how can you know
an ever-changing song
even if you are
the one singing

once i fled from
from the dreams of my youth
accepting in my way
the path I’d laid out
for myself

the nights were hot
and the days were cold
and I nursed the burn
of the frost
and the flame
not knowing where
the ice quit
and the fire began

commingled disclaimers
to the drawn and quartered
throw the pieces
to the wind

time to take out the garbage

© 2000 Melissa Songer

Thursday, June 13, 2002

The mockingbird’s song

All through the night he warbles
as I set out for visions -
lightening my being;
drifting amidst the cumuli.
He sings a wandering lyric,
chiseling his tune upon my throat
in an elegant rasp.
The birdsong weaves a dream
lifting me above dissolving cirrus;
raining upon myself.

Prisoner of ecstacy -
vagary writhing on the edge
of nothingness.
Be still.
There is no stigmata;
though demons
gambol around my bed -
and angels sob.
They take their turns with me
rowing upstream.

A temporal fugitive -
the manacles’ clattering chain
affixed to corporeal ballast -
the key beyond my reach;
chafes my wrists and ankles,
meddles with my horizons,
pulls me back onto
the flatness of this world.

The dead thump of my return
does not disturb the mockingbird.

© 2001 Melissa Songer

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

The Chalice

The expansion
has grown large enough
to pass through.

No longer
the eye of a needle,
no longer the camel;
this infusion
projected into
a lustrous gratitude -
appearances and concepts
swept away
by the onslaught.

I can’t point to
an event and say
this was the road
I traveled -
the pivot
where surrender
smothered my ego;
brought me
to the virtue of chaos,
lucid confusion,
conclusive duality -
filled my hands with light;
my heart blooming

© 2001 Melissa Songer

Saturday, June 08, 2002


I keep looking for the black and blue
but there isn’t any, just the insistent pain
of a cosmic thwack upside the head;
memento of a stern parent to note
how I’ve skulked back into this life.
The Self betrayed by my dread.
I’m being shaken like an old rug
to loosen debris, soulshift overdrive;
so I don’t forget what’s waiting -
that endless moment before creation.
And this knot gets tighter as I try to undo
what destiny has planned.

© 2001 Melissa Songer

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

A Tale of Thirst

Clouds billow their shoulders
high above the caked-dry earth.
Evil bones of drought leave
casualties along the roadside;
dust-covered and bleak.
No one bothers to open
their windows when
the wind sends its gusts into town -
to spend the night alone
and weave ropes of despair
that choke the brittle trees and
grey houses with pulverous mists.
Ghost flowers clack their fetters,
mourning the desolate spark
of a dazzling Spring.

It is then I hear the earth whisper,
It was a Thursday -
three whole months ago,
when the sky last laughed
and cried and shouted;
joyously spending its wrath
into my ardent embrace.

Though the memory is sweet,
it too, is parching -
while waiting for
the rain.

© 2002 Melissa Songer


The occasional nightmare haunts my days,
pinpoints a feeble rage snarling
at the serenity overtaking me.
Surrounding objects diffuse into prancing motes.
The smallness of me shrinks to
the infinitesimal; consumed by a field
of luminous energy.
Larger parts break away,
falling into unending space -
I reach out to caress them
one last time.

Nostalgias burden me;
cloying dreams that seek revive -
the taste of clover bitten through
on the first warm day.
Not the act nor the thing;
but a feeling invoked.
I wonder about this medial state,
this undiagnosable condition;
this river into which I’ve culled the fork -
listening for the waterfall uproar
as I near the edge.

When morning comes,
I marvel at clouds dabbled in layers.
A muted palette mounded idly overhead -
sometimes racing, shouldered by the wind;
wispy tatters trailing like fringe.

© 2002 Melissa Songer

Lost in the roundabout

So many get lost in the roundabout.
Seeing the same signs over and over -
not recognizing the miscued territory.

Optimistic that their ploys will at last
succeed; unaware it’s the device
that’s broken - not the field of play.

I never believed in burning my bridges,
whether or not I intended to use them;
ever looking ahead into hopeful vistas.

Until now, when I hear my trails snuffling
behind, tagging me as bait - pointing at
the ruffled composition of my existence.

My dreams have gotten so small they fit
inside my pocket, rubbing against loose change;
a rattle to entrance as I muddle to and fro.

Once I thought I was waiting for something,
some grand realization of self and spirit -
now I know the emptiness of that aspiration.

Cause I can see I’ve been here before
and know where the scent leads - into
a state of ingenuous gratification.

I leave my shackles fastened to the thing
that holds me in place, as the minutes fade
and I watch the seasons roll away.

© 2002 Melissa Songer

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