The wind that drove me
from the cavern stopped blowing;
a long intermission poised -
drawing my eyes into regions where
light had been filtered by jigsaw effects
of the surrounding trees.
To see inside myself meant
halting the apparent gaze;
meant arguing with the fractionated aspects -
all gathered in committee
to decide who would deliver
the final product.
As if I cared.
It was all a sham -
illusion and smoke and focus pocus;
a multicolored cape-swirl
beneath the spotlights
as the audience gasped
in pure amazement.
All facets danced with me;
the front men, the showgirls.
Performers all, enacting the sleight of hand,
the high kick - a dazzling/sparkling
disco ball of the self.
O wonderment.
Beyond lay a greener time -
a bucolic freedom to reassemble
the jumble of parts;
discover the integral.
Sunlight awaited -
warmth and silence
atop the mountain.
© 2002 Melissa Songer