Caught in the rain
the first few drops
warned me to turn back
but the dogs were pulling
excited about their
first walk in a week
I heard the remote booms
smelled the ozone
but continued onward
first chance to cut back
slipped past even though
more drips were coming
the dogs kept surging
and I just followed
it had been a wet day
since morning
a quick shower
then a few tears tapped
from an underground spring
flowing up through an afternoon
of sleepless dreams
the first wave rolled in and
we found refuge
under a stranger’s carport
hoping they wouldn’t
suddenly drive up
and glare in consternation
my eyes prostrate
voice muttering
I hope you don’t mind
we crossed the street
to complete the circuit
even as the deluge
hung off to our left
I could hear the rain
bearing down on us
there would be no escape
we were going to get wet
the swollen globules
splattered us
the dogs trying to break loose
and run like hell for the house
still a block away
but I held them steady
and felt each drop soak into
my hair and shirt
down to the skin
I plodded my level course
the dogs grunting and sneezing
and pulling
I wondered why I didn’t just
set them free in that moment
while I danced like kokopelli
singing his gratitude
for the life-giving water
what a picture
a middle-aged woman
doing a gene kelly
the dogs hauling ass
down the street
to wait on the front porch
snorting and shaking
while their mistress takes a swim
in the drainage ditch
a fitting end to the day
© 2001 Melissa Songer